Victory Centre

Together for Christ

Church Projects

Get to Know Jesus Christ

A loving holy God created a world and people with whom to share his love and show his glory. Man chose against God and sinned which separated all mankind from a relationship with God. In his love and for his glory God promised a Savior to pay the penalty of our sins and repair our relationship with him. Nothing or no one else could cover the wickedness of our sin, so God himself came in his son, Jesus.
Jesus lived a human yet sinless life. He willingly died a bloody death on a cross to pay the price of blood for our sins and satisfy the righteous requirements of sin by death. He raised back to life to overcome the penalty and power of sin and death. He is sitting at the right hand of God, waiting to return and gather his people, his church. By trusting in Jesus Christ, he will grant eternal life to all who believe and receive him.