Victory Centre was started by true vision received directly from God to move into Wales for the revival and salvation of many in this country.
Pr Binoy abraham is the founding pioneer of Victory centre, Wales and working along with Sis. Vincy Varghese , children Ivan Abraham & Isaac Abraham
This ministry started off as a small home fellowship and then moved into the centre of Cardiff city reaching many homes and induviduals. Our church today has been an enlightment for many, we use our strong values of Love, Care and True Hope which is a must in our society today. We look to grow and fellowship together in Christ who truly loves all people without any barriers of culture etc.
Our church has a handful of hardworking young men and women who are playing an integral part in lifting this church to another level of true friendship and love for people in need.
Pr. Binoy Abraham was born in God’s own country Kerala in March 1976, His predestined God’s call from a tender age and also born into a pastoral family was a strong drive to reach communities with true Gospel. At the age of 18 he left his home and city by the voice of God to minister in Palakkad and has ever since never looked back and is running mighty for the kingdom of God. Wales is his inner calling and he will continue to reach all communities and build the church as God’s promise in this city.
As the minister of God I invite you to be a part of this journey and you will never be disappointed because Christ is the centre of our church and life.